ISO 10211:2007 Thermal bridges in building construction. Test case A.4 validation

QuickField validation of the test case A.4 presented in ISO 10211:2007 Thermal bridges in building construction.

Problem Type:
3D problem of heat transfer.

ISO 10211:2007 Thermal bridges in building construction. QuickField validation of the test case A.4 presented in ISO 10211:2007 Thermal bridges in building construction. Insulation Metal T=0°C Rs = 0.1 W/m2K T=+1°C, Rs = 0.1 W/m2K 1000 mm 1000 mm 200 mm 400 mm 100 mm 50 mm

Thermal conductivity of insulation λ1 = 0.1 W/K·m.
Thermal conductivity of metall λ2 = 50 W/K·m.

The metall bar penetrates the insulation wall. Determine the heat flux and the maximal temperature of the bar on the opposite side of the wall.

Air contact surface thermal resistance Rs is caused by the convection. The convection coefficient value is reciprocal to the surface resistance value:
α = 1 / Rs [W/(K·m2)].

Temperature distribution in media:

EN ISO 10211:2007 test case 4 heat flux

QuickField Reference %%
Temperature 0.797°C 0.805°C 0.008 K
Heat flux 0.543 W 0.54 W 1.0%

To comply with the ISO 10211:2007 the difference between calculated and reference heat flux should be less than 1% (0.005°C - for temperature). This simulation accuracy complies with the requirements of ISO 10211:2007.

*ISO 10211:2007(en) Thermal bridges in building construction - Heat flows and surface temperatures - Detailed calculations.

See the iso_10211_2007_case4.pbm problem in the Examples folder.