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Formulations in 3D Static Heat transfer

3D Static Heat transfer problem is described by the Poisson equation for the temperature T:

  Δ(λT) = q      (1)

Here the thermal conductivity λ, and volume power of the heat source q are piece-wise constants for any of bodies comprising the model.

In 3D Static Heat transfer analysis QuickField allows to define:

  1. Volume power of the heat source within the bodies;
  2. Thermal flux through the faces;
  3. Convective heat transfer through the faces;
  4. Linear heat flux density through the edges;
  5. Singular heat sources in the model vertices.

In all these cases the heat flux density and volume power of the heat source may be defined by formula as a function of coordinates: q = q(x,y,z).

Boundary conditions in the heat transfer problems include:

  1. Dirichlet condition specifies a known value of temperature T0 on faces, edges or vertices of the model.
  2. Neumann condition specifies a known value of normal component of the thermal flux density vector Fn= q on external faces and edges.
  3. Convection boundary condition Fn= α(T-T0) is used for defining the thermal transfer from the surface with convection coefficient α into the liquid of gaseous media with temperature T0.

Non-zero Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions can be specified as a function of coordinates.