Colored surfaces

Colored surface presentation is turned on by default and displays the distribution of the chosen physical parameter on the visible surfaces as a color map, where every level of the physical parameter value corresponds to some color. Field view toolbar switches the colored surface presentation on and off.

Colored surface settings include:

  1. Selection of the scalar physical quantity from the list. As a default parameter for electrostatic problems the electric potential U is used, for thermal problems – temperature T is used etc. List of alternative parameters includes the field potential, modules and coordinate components of vectors, and media properties (dielectric permeability etc).
  2. Minimum and maximum values of the parameter for the legend adjustment. Default range corresponds to the maximum and minimum parameter values in the whole calculation area.
  3. Number of color grades, with 256 colors as a default.
  4. Whether the legend should be displayed or not.

Pic. "Colored surface" presentation.