Moving, Copying and Resizing Circuit Elements

To move circuit element to another place:

  1. Place cursor over element you want to move. Cursor should have the shape of four-pointed arrow.

  2. Click mouse button and drag the selected element keeping the button pressed.

To resize a wire:

  1. Place cursor over the wire end point. Cursor should have the shape of two-pointed arrow.

  2. Click left mouse button and drag the end point to a new location.

You can not only resize the wire, but also move it sideway during this operation.

To move several elements at once:

  1. Select circuit elements you want to move.

  2. Place cursor over one of selected elements.

  3. Click mouse button and drag the selected elements.

Dragging attached elements

When you drag the circuit elements, another element attached to them could be dragged or resized to preserve connections between elements and wires. For example, when you drag some electric component the wires attached to it could be also moved or resized.

Dragging without attached elements

You can drag circuit elements so that attached wires and elements will not be dragged. For this, press ALT and keep it pressed until you release the mouse button.

Copying elements

Instead of moving elements, you can make a copy of selected elements. For this, press CTRL and keep it pressed until you release the mouse button.