What is a Circuit

QuickField supports simultaneous finite element analysis of the time harmonic magnetic problems and transient magnetic field problems with simulation of the currents and voltages in the connected electric circuit.

Electric circuits in QuickField are stored in files with extensions .qcr. You may include corresponding circuit schema file into the problem database along with other files comprising QuickField problem (geometry model file *.mod, data and library files, results file *.res) by editing problem properties.

Electric circuit consists of circuit elements. Circuit elements can be of two kinds:

  1. First group includes usual electric circuitry components, such as:
  2. Second group is specific for QuickField and represents blocks of the geometric model. These elements are used to provide interaction between circuit and other parts of QuickField problem. If the problem supports the external electric circuit co-simulation then every solid conductor block from the geometric model should be included into the circuit.

Wires are used to connect circuit elements.

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Editing the Electric Circuit