Coupl1: Stress distribution in a long solenoid

A very long, thick solenoid has a uniform distribution of circumferential current. The magnetic flux density and stress distribution in the solenoid has to be calculated.

Problem Type:
An axisymmetric problem of magneto-structural coupling.

Stress distribution in a long solenoid Calculate the magnetic flux density and stress distribution in a solenoid R1 R2 Winding Air

Dimensions Ri = 1 cm, Ro = 2 cm;
Relative permeability of air and coil μ = 1;
Current density j = 0.1·106 A/m2;
Young's modulus E = 1.075·1011 N/m2;
Poisson's ratio ν = 0.33.

Calculate the magnetic flux density and stress distribution.

Since none of physical quantities varies along z-axis, a thin slice of the solenoid could be modeled. The axial length of the model is arbitrarily chosen to be 0.2 cm. Radial component of the flux density is set equal to zero at the outward surface of the solenoid. Axial displacement is set equal to zero at the side edges of the model to reflect the infinite length of the solenoid.

Comparison of Results:
Magnetic flux density and circumferential stress at r = 1.3 cm:

  Bz (T) σθ (N/m2)
Reference: 8.796·10-3 97.407
QuickField 8.798·10-3 96.71

F. A. Moon, "Magneto-Solid Mechanics", John Wiley & Sons, N.Y., 1984, Chapter 4.

See the Coupl1MS.pbm and Coupl1SA.pbm problems in the Examples folder for magnetic and structural parts of this problem respectively.