Elec2: Two conductor transmission line

Problem Type:
A plane problem of electrostatics.

Two conductors transmission line The region is bounded by ground from the bottom side and extended to infinity on other three sides Conductors Ground Air Dielectric

The problem's region is bounded by ground from the bottom side and extended to infinity on other three sides.

Relative permittivity of air ε = 1;
Relative permittivity of dielectric ε = 2.

Determine self and mutual capacitance of conductors.

To avoid the influence of outer boundaries, we'll define the region as a rectangle large enough to neglect side effects. To calculate the capacitance matrix we set the voltage U = 1 V on one conductor and U = 0 on the another one.

Self capacitance: C11 = C22 = Q1 / U1;

Mutual capacitance: C12 = C21 = Q2 / U1;

where charge Q1 and Q2 are evaluated on rectangular contours around conductor 1 and 2 away from their edges. We chose the contours for the C11 and C12 calculation to be rectangles –6 ≤ x ≤ 0, 0 ≤ y ≤ 4 and 0 ≤ x ≤ 6, 0 ≤ y ≤ 4 respectively.

Comparison of Results:

  C11 (F/m) C12 (F/m)
Reference: 9.2310–11 –8.5010–12
QuickField 9.43 10–11 –8.5710–12

A. Khebir, A. B. Kouki, and R. Mittra, "An Absorbing Boundary Condition for Quasi-TEM Analysis of Microwave Transmission Lines via the Finite Element Method", Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 1990.

See the Elec2.pbm problem in the Examples folder.