THeat2: Temperature Response of a Suddenly Cooled Wire

Determine the temperature response of a copper wire of diameter d, originally at temperature T0, when suddenly immersed in air at temperature Ti. The convection coefficient between the wire and the air is α.

Problem Type:
A plane-parallel problem of nonlinear heat transfer.

Copper wire heat transfer model Temperature response of a suddenly cooled wire Copper ( C, ρ, λ ) Air Ød T0 Tair , α

d = 0.015625 in;
Ti = 37.77°C, T0 = 148.88°C;
C = 380.16 J/kg·K, ρ = 8966.04 kg/m3;
α = 11.37 W/K·m2.

Determine the temperature in the wire.

The final time of 180 s is sufficient for the theoretical response comparison. A time step of 4.5 s is used.

Comparison of Results:


Temperature, °C

Time QuickField ANSYS Reference:
45 s 91.37 91.38 89.6
117 s 54.46 54.47 53.33
180 s 43.79 43.79 43.17

Kreith F., "Principles of Heat Transfer", International Textbook Co., Scranton, Pennsylvania, 2nd Printing, 1959, Page 120, Example 4-1.

See the THeat2.pbm problem in the Examples folder.