
abs    - absolute value
abs(v) = |v| = v, if v ≥ 0
-v, if v < 0

The function value is equal to absolute value of the argument

acos    - arc cosine

acos(v) = arccos(v)

The function value is equal to arc cosine of the argument in degrees. The argument value v must conform to inequality -1 ≤ v ≤ 1, otherwise an error occurs.

asin    - arc sine

asin(v) = arcsin(v)

The function value is equal to arc sine of the argument in degrees. The argument value v must conform to inequality -1 ≤ v ≤ 1, otherwise an error occurs.

atan    - arc tangent

atan(v) = arctan(v)

The function value is equal to arc tangent of the argument. The value is given in degrees.

atan2    - arc tangent with two arguments

atan(v1,v2) = arctan(v1/v2)

The function value is equal to the angle between the x-axis and the direction from coordinate origin to the point with ordinate v1 and abscissa v2. The value is given in degrees and is always between 0 and 360. If both arguments are zero, the value is also zero. Otherwise, if v2 is zero, the value is 90, for positive v1, or 270, for negative v1.

cos    - cosine


The function value is equal to cosine of the argument. The argument is defined in degrees.

exp    - exponent

exp(v) = ev

The function value is equal to exponent of the argument. Calculation might cause the overflow error.

impulse    - impulse segment
impulse(t,a,b) = 0, if t < a
1, if a ≤ t ≤ b
0, if t > b

The function represents impulse restricted to [a, b] segment. If a > b, an error occurs. The function value is equal to 1 when t is between a and b, both ends included; otherwise, its value is 0.

log    - natural logarithm

log(v) = ln(v)

The function value is equal to natural logarithm of the argument. The argument value must be positive, otherwise an error occurs.

max    - maximum


The function value is equal to the maximum of all arguments. You can specify 2 or more arguments.

min    - minimum


The function value is equal to the minimum of all arguments. You can specify 2 or more arguments.

pow    - raising to a power

pow(v,p) = vp

The function value is equal to the first argument value raised to the power defined by second argument value. An error occurs unless the arguments conform to the following conditions: the first argument is non-negative; and if the first argument value is 0, the second argument must be positive. Calculation might cause the overflow error.

saw    - saw-tooth periodic function
saw(t,p) = t/p, if 0 ≤ t < p
saw(t+p,..), if t < 0
saw(t-p,..), if t ≥ p

Relative to its first argument this function is periodic. In case of two arguments the period is equal to the second argument value. In case of three arguments the period is the sum of the values of the last two argument values. The function value is always 0 for t = 0, always 1 for v = p and in between the function is linear relative to t. In case of three arguments the function value is always 0 for other values of t.
The last two argument values must be non-negative. The period must be positive. Otherwise an error occurs.

saw(t,p,p0) = t/p, if 0 ≤ t < p
0, if p ≤ t < p+p0
saw(t+p+p0,..), if t < 0
saw(t-p-p0,..), if t ≥ p+p0

sign    - sign
sign(v) = v/|v| = 1, if v > 0
0, if v = 0
-1, if v < 0
The function value is equal to the sign of the argument

sin    - sine


The function value is equal to sine of the argument. The argument is defined in degrees.

sqrt    - square root

sqrt(v) = √v

The function value is equal to square root of the argument. The argument value must be non-negative, otherwise an error occurs.

step    - step-function with step value equal to 1
step(t) = 1, if t ≥ 0
0, if t < 0

The function value is equal to 0 for negative arguments and to 1 for non-negative arguments. The function has a step discontinuity when its argument value is 0.

tan    - tangent


The function value is equal to tangent of the argument. The argument is defined in degrees. If argument value is an odd multiple of 90° an error occurs.

See also Formula examples.