Formulations in Heat transfer

With QuickField you can analyze linear and nonlinear temperature fields.

Heat-transfer equation for linear problems is:

- planar case;

- axisymmetric case;

for nonlinear problems:

- planar case;

- axisymmetric case;


T - temperature;
t - time;
λx(y,r,z) - components of heat conductivity tensor;
λ(T) - heat conductivity as a function of temperature approximated by cubic spline (anisotropy is not supported in nonlinear case);
q(T) - volume power of heat sources, in linear case - constant, in nonlinear case - function of temperature approximated by cubic spline;
c(T) - specific heat, in nonlinear case - function of temperature approximated by cubic spline;
ρ - density of the substance.

In linear case all the parameters are constants within each block of the model.

The heat transfer problems for thin plates are very analogous to the plane-parallel problems and we will not discuss them especially.