Thermal strain

Temperature strain is determined by the coefficients of thermal expansion and difference of temperatures between strained and strainless states. Components of the thermal strain for plane stress and isotropic material are defined by the following equation:

{ε0} = 


plane stress, orthotropic material:

{ε0} = 


plane strain, isotropic material:

{ε0} = (1 - ν)


plane strain, orthotropic material:

{ε0} = 


axisymmetric problem, isotropic material:

{ε0} = 


axisymmetric problem, orthotropic material:

{ε0} = 


where α is a coefficient of thermal expansion for isotropic material; αx, αy, αz, αr, αθ are the coefficients of thermal expansion along the corresponding axes for orthotropic material; ΔT is the temperature difference between strained and strainless states.