Control of the Density of 3D Mesh

3D FEA mesh in QuickField is created automatically. Mesh quality, number elements and mesh density in parts of the model affect the solution time, the accuracy and amount of memory required. To achieve the balance between the accuracy and complexity the trade-off is often involved. This may be controlled by mesh density settings.

Similarly to 2D problems, mesh density control is performed by assigning the desired mesh step to some of the model vertices. The automatic mesh step for all those vertices where the manual mesh step is not set will be calculated basing on the existent manual steps.

To assign the manual mesh step it is required to select the vertices by mouse click, or by a rubber rectangle (see Selection of 3D Entities), then in the geometry model properties window select the value "Manual" in the field "Spacing" and enter in the field "Spacing value" the mesh step in the current length units.

If the mesh step visualization is turned on, then the entered mesh step is displayed by a semi-transparent sphere in the model window. The button "Spacings" in the toolbar or the View menu command Show/Hide Spacings control the mesh steps visualization.

Related Topic:
Creating 3D Geometry Model
Show the 3D Mesh
Calculation results window
Control the Picture in a 3D View: Rotate, Pan, Zoom
Selection of 3D Entities
Hidden and Transparent Bodies