Creating 3D Geometry Model

3D model may be created by one of two methods, depending on the model class:

The 3D View of the model editor is used for any 3D model handling after it is created by the extrusion or import. 3D view shows the model and allows assigning the labels to the model components - bodies, faces, edges and vertices, building the 3D finite element mesh with controlled density.

3D model manipulation includes using of the cross section plane for viewing and marking the internal objects, controlling the density and regularity of the finite element mesh inside the bodies, etc.

For creating a 3D model it should be linked to corresponding 3D problem. It is sufficient to have open 3D problem which refers to this model. If there is no such a problem - next steps are impossible.

Related Topic:
Creating 3D Model by Extrusion
Creating 3D Model by Importing

Model Editor 3D View
Model Assign Labels
Control of the Density of 3D Mesh
Show the 3D Mesh
Cutting the Model by a Plane
Model HeightsExtrusion of 2D Shapes to 3rd Dimension
Model Assign Heights