Changing of the extrusion parameters of 2D model objects

To change the extrusion parameters the geometry model properties windows should be displayed on the screen. If it is hidden, to make it visible you need to click by the left mouse button at any place within the model window, and then select Properties in the View menu.

To change the extrusion parameters for one or more objects, you need to select them. In the model properties window the group Selection will be displayed showing all the types of selected objects (vertices, edges and/or blocks). The group Levels will be added to the properties of the selected objects of maximum dimension. Group Levels includes heights of all levels, assigned to at least one of the selected objects, and additional element Add New Level.
Levels are always arranged with the highest value on top.

Pic. Selected block in the 2D model and 3D problem properties window.

Three types of actions may be performed with the levels:

  1. Adding of a new level - new level height may be entered in the right part of the Add New Level line. New value may be selected from the list which includes all height levels presented in the model at the moment, or entered manually. As a result the new level is assigned to all selected objects which did not have this level before.
  2. Change the existent level height - the current level height may be replaced by a new value. New level may be selected from the pop out list with all levels presented in the model, or entered manually. As a result the level height will be changed for all selected objects where this level is already present. New level is not assigned to other objects. If the new value is already assigned to some of selected objects – the duplicate level will be removed from their properties. For example if some block has height levels 1, 2 and 3, then after changing the level 2 to 3 the block properties will include levels 1 and 3.
    Taking into account that the levels are also ranked from high to low, the changed level may be put into other place in the level list than the original level.
  3. Existent level removal - to remove the level the value field should be emptied.
    As a result this level will be assigned to none of selected objects.

    Note: In some cases it is impossible to remove or change the level because it is protected. This happens if the level is assigned to the object of higher dimension. For example, if the level was automatically assigned to the vertex after being set for the edge or block which include this vertex, than it may be removed or changed for this vertex only together with the same action performed for the edge or block.
    This change is possible only for the object which has the maximum dimension between all the neighbors (dimension of the block is 2, edge is 1 and vertex is 0). In this case the change is automatically transferred to its entire boundary. For example, if the level was assigned to the edge and was automatically spread out to its end vertices, then it may be changed only for the edge, but this change will be automatically spread to its vertices.

Related Topic:
Model 3D Creating
Model Heights
Model View 3D
Model Assign Labels