Vector plot

Vector plot shows the distribution of the vector quantity in the 3D region. For electric field presentation it concerns E (field strength) and D (field displacement) vectors. Calculation region is covered by invisible uniform grid with specified step. Then in the each node of this grid the vector is drawn as a directed straight segment (arrow). Each arrow direction is agreed with the direction of the chosen vector quantity, and the length corresponds to the vector module in chosen scale. The Vectors command in the View menu or the button in the field view toolbar turn the vector plot on and off.

Note: Vector plot presentation may require considerable amount of computer resources (memory, processor time). It is thus advisable to gradually increase the parameters, which increase the load. Recommended presentation parameters are in the list.

Pic. "Vector plot" presentation

Adjustment settings for the vector plot include:

  1. List of vector physical quantities for selection.
  2. Spatial step of the uniform grid, in each node of which the arrow will be drawn. If none of the three recommended values is good enough, other values may be typed in.
  3. Scale level, controlling the arrow length. It is recommended to select one from 7 values offered. However, on your own risk you may type in any other value.

Note: Vector plot presentation might be overlapped by the Color surface presentation. In this case it is recommended to switch off Color surface presentation.