Formula: Errors

Errors in formulas can be grouped into the following categories:

Below is the list of errors that might occur in processing of formulas in QuickField. More details, including non-trivial examples, can be found in the topics related to particular errors.

General Purpose Errors

QFFE_001: "Unknown error in formula"
QFFE_003: "Unknown formula object type"

Formula Parsing Errors

QFFE_101: "Formula parsing error"
QFFE_102: "Syntax error"
QFFE_103: "Illegal symbol 'symbol' in formula"
QFFE_104: "Formula parsing stack overflow"
QFFE_105: "Misplaced operation 'op'"
QFFE_106: "Misplaced '('"
QFFE_107: "Misplaced ','"
QFFE_108: "Misplaced ')'"
QFFE_109: "Misplaced constant 'const'"
QFFE_110: "Misplaced function 'func'"
QFFE_111: "Misplaced token 'token'"
QFFE_112: "Missing parameter for 'func' function"
QFFE_113: "Missing operand for 'oper'"
QFFE_114: "Extra parameter for 'func' function"
QFFE_115: "'(' expected"
QFFE_116: "')' expected"
QFFE_117: "Digit expected"
QFFE_118: "Misplaced '.'"
QFFE_119: "Constant exponent too large"
QFFE_120: " '"' expected "
QFFE_121: "Undefined symbol 'symbol'"
QFFE_122: "Empty formula string"

Calculation Errors

QFFE_205: "Division by zero"
QFFE_206: "Overflow in 'token'"
QFFE_207: "Illegal 'tan' argument : 'value'"
QFFE_208: "Illegal 'asin' argument : 'value'"
QFFE_209: "Illegal 'acos' argument : 'value'"
QFFE_211: "Illegal 'log' argument : 'value'"
QFFE_212: "Negative square root argument : 'value'"
QFFE_213: "Illegal 'pow' arguments : '(value1, value2)'"
QFFE_217: "Negative 'saw' period : '(value1, value2)'"
QFFE_218: "Zero 'saw' period : '(value1, value2)'"