Formula: Syntax

QuickField formula is an expression composed of the following elements:


  1. Numerical values should not contain group separators. Dot ('.') should be used as decimal separator regardless of regional settings.
  2. Both e and E are allowed to separate mantissa and magnitude in floating point values.
  3. The names of embedded functions, constants and predefined variables are case insensitive.
  4. Any name can be enclosed in double quotes. For example, sin (t) is equivalent to "sin"(t).
  5. Operation precedence (highest to lowest): ^, then * and /, then + and -. This order can be changed with parentheses.
  6. Any number of spaces can be inserted in any part of formula without any impact on that formula, provided the spaces are not inside any name.
  7. Function arguments should be placed inside parentheses after the name of the function. They should be separated with commas (',').