Edge Properties

This dialog allows you to view and optionally change the following edge properties:

The Label field shows the label associated with all currently selected edges. If there are selected edges labeled differently, the field remains clear. If none of selected edges is labeled, the field contains the string "(none)". To change the label associated with all selected edges either pick one of existing edge labels from the drop-down list or type the new label string in the edit box.

The Spacing field shows the mesh spacing value associated with all vertices involved in the selection set, namely with boundary vertices of selected blocks, with ends of selected edges, and with selected vertices.

This dialog field consists of two parts. Two radio buttons show whether all of the involved vertices have spacing values automatically calculated by QuickField, or all of them have values manually specified by the user. The text box below these buttons contains the common spacing value. If part of the spacing values was calculated automatically while another part was specified manually, both radio buttons remain unchecked. Similarly, if some of the involved spacing values differ, the text box remains clear.

To set new spacing values for all vertices involved in the selection set do one the following:

Note that unlike the Label field, the Spacing field is shared between the Blocks, Edges and Vertices pages of this dialog, so that the settings displayed in the Spacing fields of these pages are always equal too each other. If you change spacing on one of these pages the settings displayed on other pages will be simultaneously changed in the same way.

Related Topics
How to set mesh spacing
How to build the mesh
Assigning labels to objects