Structure of the Problem Database

Creation of a new QuickField problem begins with setting its global properties such as analysis type, class of symmetry, length units, required precision, etc.

QuickField stores these properties in the Problem Description file, which has the .pbm extension. Besides the global problem properties, the Problem Description file also contains links to the other files constituting the problem database: the model file (.mod), the electric circuit file (.qcr), and one or two physical data files (or property description files) having, depending on the analysis type, the .dms, .dhe, .des, .dcf, .dec, .dtv, .dht, or .dsa extension.

Since the problem database is split into several files, you can easily use the same model or electric circuit file with different problems. The physical data files can also be shared but it is recommended that the first data file contains the data specific to the problem while the second one is the shared library of standard material properties and boundary conditions.

The last file in the problem database stores the solution results. QuickField creates it while solving the problem. The file always has the same name as and belongs to the same folder as the problem description file. Its extension is .res.

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