Charge and Energy Calculation

This page of the capacitance wizard helps you to calculate charge on your electrode and stored energy.

In the right side of the page electrodes are listed which charge you have specified. If you have put voltage boundary condition rather then charge on your electrodes, the only way to calculate the charge is to build the contour surrounding it but not coincident with it boundary. If so, you have to do that before you start the capacitance wizard.

When selecting one or more items in the list, you get the resulting charge in the Charge box.

The alternative way to calculate the capacitance is the stored energy method. To calculate electric energy stored in the whole field area, click the Calculate Energy button. Calculation may take a few seconds. You can get the result in the Energy box.

When you are ready with charge and energy calculation, click the Next key.

Related Topics
Capacitance Wizard
Specifying electrodes