Specifying Electrodes

This page of capacitance wizard allows you to specify electrodes which capacitance you want to calculate. Electrodes listed on the right side of the page are organized in two subtrees: surface conductors and linear conductors (if any). Icons to the left of labels has the following meaning:

Grounded surface electrode,

Surface electrode with given voltage,

Floating surface electrode,

Floating surface electrode with given charge on it,

Linear electrode with given charge on it,

Linear electrode with given voltage,

Grounded linear electrode,

Choose one item in the list of electrodes, if you want to calculate its capacitance. In case you are calculating capacitance of the condenser consisting of two electrodes, select both of them. When choosing more than one electrode their voltage will be sum up (with their sign).

As a result of any action upon the lists, the Voltage value will change automatically.

When you are ready with specifying conductors, click Next button.

Related Topics
Capacitance Wizard
Charge and energy calculation