Flux Linkage Calculation

This page of inductance wizard allows you to define, which blocks represent the cross section of your coil. In general, two blocks represent each coil in the model plane: forward and return wires. If there is only one side of the coil in your model, the second one is assumed as being symmetrical to the first one or as being infinitely distant of the model and not affecting the field distribution.

Flux linkage calculation page contains three lists of block's labels. When initially displayed, only the list of available labels contains items. Icons to the left of labels have the following meaning:

Block without current,

Block with given space current in it,

Permanent magnet. If you see this icon in the list you probably have to change the problem formulation,


These two items have the special meaning:

Denotes that one side of coil is symmetrical to another one,

the contour is already defined.

To define each side of your coil, simply point the corresponding item in the Block Labels list and drag it to one of the side list. You can also use the Add buttons. No matter, which side of your coil you call Right Side and which Left Side. If only one side of the coil is represented in the model, drag item Symmetry to the opposite list if return wire of the coil is symmetrical to the direct one, or leave the list empty if return wire does not affect the electromagnetic state of your model.

You can select and drag more than one item at once if the cross section of your coil is split to several blocks.

Enter the Number of Turns for your coil if it is more than one.

As result of any action on the lists or number of turns the Flux Linkage value will change automatically being calculated as

φ = N·

for planar case

φ = 2π·N·

for axisymmetric case,


A is the vector magnetic potential;
R and L denote the right and the left side of the coil accordingly,
r is the radius of the point.

For planar problems flux linkage and the inductance are calculated per one meter of axial depth no matter what length unit you have chosen.

If there is no combination of labeled blocks that can present the cross section of your coil, define the closed contour manually before starting the inductance wizard and use Your Contour item. After all, if this page cannot help you to calculate the flux linkage, simply type its value in the Flux Linkage box.

When you finish with flux linkage calculation, click on the Next button.

Related Topics
Inductance Wizard
Current calculation