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Copper inductor with a steel tube

QuickField simulation example

A 2-turns copper inductor is used to heat the cylindrical steel part.

Problem Type
Axisymmetric multiphysics problem of AC magnetics coupled to Transient heat transfer.

Copper inductor with a steel tube A 2-turns copper inductor is used to heat the cylindrical steel part. Steel tube Inductor 100 mm Ø 50 mm

Inductor alternating current I = 500 A, frequency f = 22 kHz.
Relative permeability of steel μ = 400, electric conductivity is 5 MS/m.
Thermal conductivity of steel λ = 20 W/K*m, density ρ = 7800 kg/m³, specific heat is 420 J/K*kg.
Initial temperature is +25°C. Emissivity coeffitient is 0.5, convection coeffitient is 5 W/K*m.

Calculate the temperature distribution in the steel part after 10 seconds of heating.

Penetration depth in the steel part is less than 0.1 mm at this frequency. To get accurate results it is required to build very dense mesh on the surface of the steel part.


Current density distribution in the steel part
Induction heating simulation: Current density distribution
Temperature distribution in the steel part
Induction heating simulation: Temperature distribution