Electromagnetic clutch
QuickField simulation example
Electromagnetic clutch consists of an electromagnet (which includes the solenoid and the core), a steel rotor and non-magnetic insert between them.
Problem Type
Axisymmetric problem of DC magnetics.
Ampere-turns in coil I = 750 A
Magnetic permeability = 2000.
Determine the dependence of the attraction force on the distance between the rotor and the electromagnet.
To accurately measure the force, the integration contour should be carried out at some distance from the interface between the media (ferromagnetic / air). To facilitate the construction of the integration contour, a "layer of air" block surrounding the steel rotor was added to the geometric model.
Rotor position change, problem solving and force measurement are automated using LabelMover tool. To automate the measurement of rotor position, a vertex "anchor" is added.
The force at the gap of 2 mm is 33 N:
- Video: Electromagnetic clutch. Watch on YouTube
- Download simulation files (files may be viewed using any QuickField Edition).