
A new approach to field modelling

Main >> Applications >> Sample problems >> Microstrip crossover

Microstrip crossover

QuickField simulation example

Crossovers in the digital circuit design cause parasitic capacitance, resulting in high frequency cross talk.

Problem Type electrostatics.

Geometry 3D extrusion.
microstrip crossover model

Equivalent electric circuit:
microstrip crossover circuit

Relative permittivity of air ε = 1,
Relative permittivity of substrate ε = 10,
Strip1 potential U1 = -0.5 V,
Strip2 potential U2 = +0.5 V.

Find the mutual capacitance between strips C12.

To find the mutual capacitances C12 we should switch off all voltage sources and apply opposite potentials on stip1 and stip2.

QuickField simulation gives charge q distribution. The capacitance then can be calculated as C = q / (U2 - U1).

The measured charge q = 1.76e-12 C.
The capacitance is C12 = 1.76e-12 / (0.5 - (-0.5)) = 1.76e-12 F.
microstrip crossover simulation