Selecting Geometric Objects

To select geometric objects:

  1. If the insert mode is on, press INS to switch it off.

  2. Keep CTRL pressed if you want to add objects to the selection set instead of replacing it.

  3. Click any model object to select it alone, or press any mouse button outside of selected objects and drag diagonally to select all objects that entirely fit inside the displayed rubberband rectangle.

Keep in mind that when you click inside a block QuickField does not select either of its boundary edges or vertices. Similarly, when you click in the middle of an edge QuickField does not select either of its ending vertices. This might be important for correct understanding of such model operations as Delete, Duplicate, and Move.

If you want to select a block and its boundary edges or an edge and its ending vertices, drag the mouse to select the required objects with rubberband rectangle.

You can also use Select All and Unselect All commands in the Edit or context menu. Note that you can select objects of different types - blocks, edges, or vertices - at once.

The set of selected model objects is shared between the windows displaying the model. If several windows display the same model, selected objects are highlighted in all of them.

Shortcut: Select All - CTRL+A, Unselect All - CTRL+D

To select all model objects having the same label, click this label in the problem tree view.