Calculator Window

Calculator Window is a window normally docked to the left side of the field view.

To open the calculator window, click icon on the postprocessor toolbar or choose Calculator Window command in the View menu. The calculator window also opens when you choose Local Values, Integral Values or one of the Wizard commands in View menu.

The calculator window is organized in several trees which root items correspond to several kinds of numerical data. These are:

Local Values shows several field quantities at a point of interest,

Integral calculator lists available quantities calculated by integration over given line, surface or volume;

Inductance Wizard opens wizard, which helps you calculate self or mutual inductance of the coils and conductors;

Capacitance Wizard opens wizard guiding you through steps needed to calculate self or mutual capacitance of your conductors in electrostatics problems;

Impedance Wizard opens wizard, which helps you calculate the impedance of the conductors in AC magnetic problems.

To open the set of values you should double-click the corresponding item, or select it and press ENTER.

The calculator window is initially docked to the left side of the field view. To change its width, point to the gray splitter strip between windows and drag it to the left or to the right. You can dock the window to the right side of the field view or make it floating as ordinary popup window. Point at the window caption and drag it to the desired position.

You can select one or several items in the tree and copy them to the clipboard or drag to any application that supports drag-and-drop copy/paste operation (almost any word processor or spreadsheet). To select more than one item, click on it holding the SHIFT key (block selection) or the CTRL key (random selection). Context (right mouse button) menu also works in the calculator window. It provides you with the subset of commands for manipulating the field picture in the active view.

With a transient problem all the values in the calculator window correspond to the chosen time layer. See Selecting a Time Layer section for more details.

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