Parameter Calculation Wizards

The most common design parameters in QuickField are calculated through wizards. These calculations still could be done by using the ordinary integral quantities available in the postprocessor, but wizards allow you to get the results quicker and in most cases you can avoid manual building of the contour of integration and manipulating with complex values.

These three wizards are available in QuickField:

Inductance Wizard calculates self or mutual inductance of the coil or conductor in AC or DC magnetics problems,

Capacitance Wizard calculates self or mutual capacitance of the conductors in electrostatics problems,

Impedance Wizard calculates impedance of the conductor in AC magnetics problems.

To start the wizard, choose Wizard in View menu, or double-click the corresponding item in the calculator window. If the calculator window is open while you start the wizard, all the parameters calculated by the wizard are shown in that view. You can start wizard again from not only its start page but also from any other page by double-clicking the corresponding value in the Values tree.

Some of the wizards provide several alternative ways to calculate the desired quantity. Each way is represented in the calculator window as a separate tree.

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