Geometric Objects: Duplicating and Moving

The Duplicate feature allows easily create geometric objects at regularly defined coordinates. To duplicate:

  1. Select the set of model objects (blocks, edges and/or vertices) you want to duplicate.

  2. Choose Duplicate Selection from the Edit or context menu.

  3. QuickField will display the Duplicate Selection dialog asking for parameters.

  4. Choose the required transformation, enter its parameters in the dialog fields, and click OK.

  5. QuickField will add the duplicated objects to the model automatically selecting all of them. The rest of the objects will be unselected.

QuickField copies labels and spacing values associated with duplicated objects wherever possible. New model blocks are always unmeshed.

The first copy of a model object is always the result of the specified transformation applied to the object itself. When the transformation allows to create several copies of every involved object simultaneously, the second and the following copies of any object are the results of the transformation applied to their immediate predecessors.

You can also move the selected objects to another location. The only limitation is that QuickField will not perform moves that change the model topology. You cannot move vertices or edges into any block or out of the containing block. To move selected objects, choose Move Selection in the Edit or context menu. The displayed Move Selection dialog is similar to the Duplicate Selection dialog described above.

Successful Move preserves all labels and spacing values. Mesh is preserved in the blocks that are not reshaped.

QuickField always removes the mesh from the reshaped blocks before checking that the topology remains unchanged. So, if you try a move that changes the model topology QuickField will block it displaying the corresponding message, and in result of the operation you might find that some of the blocks are no longer meshed.

If you do not like the results of your operation, use Undo to restore the previous state of the model.

Related Topics
Geometric transformations
Objects selection