Creating 3D Model by Extrusion

For the problems with the model class "3D extrusion" 3D geometry model is created by the Z direction extrusion of the 2D objects in the XY plane.

Geometry model creation in QuickField 3D subsystem (hereafter referred as 3D model) starts from the same actions as in 2D, but comparing to 2D case, it is necessary to perform following additional actions before starting the solution process:

  1. Model should be linked to corresponding 3D problem. It is sufficient to have open 3D problem which refers to this model. If there is no such a problem - next steps are impossible.
  2. Extrusion parameters should be prepared for each extruded 2D object .
  3. Create the 3D model by extrusion of the 2D model entities along the Z axis.
  4. Assign text labels to all 3D bodies and those of faces, edges and vertices which need to have specific boundary condition or field source.

Generally, the workflow for creation of the 3D model is the same as with the 2D model:

Related Topic:
Creating 3D Geometry Model
Extrusion of 2D Shapes to 3rd Dimension
Control of 2D Shapes Extrusion
Switch to 3D View
Model Editor 3D View
Text label Assignment to the 3D Model Entities
Control of the Density of 3D Mesh
Show the 3D Mesh