Switch to 3D View

Creation of the 3D geometry by extrusion of the 2D draft components into Z direction is performed during the model editor transition into 3D view. The model editor command 3D View in the View menu, or the button (2D/3D View) in the toolbox turns the 3D view on.


For successful results of extrusion following requirements should be met:

  1. The 2D model should include at least one block with the FEA mesh built and at not less than two extrusion levels assigned.
  2. None of the 2D model blocks with the FEA mesh built should have just one extrusion level.

If any of these requirements is not met, the error message is displayed and in the case 2 the corresponding blocks are highlighted. After successful transition the 3D extruded model is shown in the window. This 3D model includes the bodies, created by the extrusion of the blocks which satisfy the requirement 1 and objects of smaller dimensions at these body boundaries.

The model editor 3D view allows:

Related Topic:
Creating 3D Geometry Model
Manipulation with 3D Image
Control of a 3D Picture: Rotation, Pan, Zoom
Hidden and Transparent Bodies
Extrusion of 2D Shapes to 3rd Dimension
Control of 2D Shapes Extrusion
Control of the Density of 3D Mesh
Text label Assignment to the 3D Model Entities