Viatcheslav Dombrovski (1930-2016)
Outstanding Russian scientist Viatcheslav Dombrovski belongs to the group of the most talented and exceptional engineers of the latter half of the last century, and it is precisely their efforts that enabled many super-power electric generators to be created and to continue operating to this day.
Prof. Dombrovski was one of the first scientists to adopt numerical methods and computers in the electrical machine design process. His professional activity was always addressed towards creation of new calculation methods, adoption of leading technology, and optimization of the design process.
Beside numerous scientific papers, in V. Dombrovski's repertoire even appear artistic works - two memoirs about his mother, a book on Franklin's life, and biographies of the famous Russian scientists-electricians A. Alekseyev and R. Luter.
Prof. Viatcheslav Dombrovski enabled his students to grow professionally and become indispensable specialists not only in the creation of electrical machines, but also software for analysis of problems in electrical engineering.