Here you can find a list of publications about QuickField and about solving problems with QuickField.
More puplications at IEEE Xplore and ResearchGate.
- 2024 March. Marina Gravit, Vasiliy Prusakov, Nikita Shcheglov and Irina Kotlyarskaya Fire protection of steel structures of oil and gas facilities: multilayer, removable, non-combustible covers. Fire 2024, 7(3), 86;
- 2023 July. Marina Gravit, Daria Shabunina, Oleg Nedryshkin The fire resistance of transformable barriers: influence of the large-scale factor. Fire 2023, 6, 294.
- 2023 January. J.S Balla Mballa, J.J Walker and I.K Kyere Investigating the effect of convection on the rating of buried cables using the finite element method. Published in 2023 31st Southern African Universities Power Engineering Conference (SAUPEC).
- 2022 October. Dmitry Arsenyev, Simon Dubitsky, Dmitry Kiesewetter and Victor Malyui Numerical simulation and calculation of resistance of laminated paper-impregnated insulation of power cables, Energies 2022.
- 2022 May. Ilai Genish, Batel Gabay, Angela Ruban, Yona Goldshmit, Amrita Singh, Julia Wise, Klimentiy Levkov, Avshalom Shalom, Edward Vitkin, Zohar Yakhini, Alexander Golberg Electroporation-based proteome sampling ex vivo enables the detection of brain melanoma protein signatures in a location proximate to visible tumor margins, PLOS ONE, 19 May 2022.
- 2021 November. Sandy JM Balla, Jeremiah J Walker, Isaac K Kyere Application of finite element method to compare the installation requirements in a buried cable according to IEC60287 standard.
- 2021 August. Tera Analysis Updates QuickField, Magnetics Magazine, 19 August 2021.
- 2021 January. Amr A. Adly Computer-aided transformer design capacity building, Transformers Magazine, Volume 8, Issue 1, 2021, pages 72-77.
- 2020 March. Raymond Allen et al. Plasma Physics Division, Naval Research Laboratory. Use of new & improved QuickField 3D to aid design of Gamble II water switch hardware for implementation on Gamble III
- 2019 August. Persson, B. R. R., (2019). QuickField Modelling of Electro-Pulse-Therapy. Acta Scientiarum Lundensia, Vol. 2019-001, pp. 1-17, ISSN 1651-5013
- 2019 August. Shee Kandar, Mohd Haris Asyraf & Jamail, N. & Kamarudin, Qamarul & Othman, Nordiana & Muhamad, N.A.. (2019). Space charges analysis on insulator with uniform layer contamination effect. TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control). 17. 2001. 10.12928/telkomnika.v17i4.12765.
- 2019 April. Nelly M. Fernandez, Peter C. Charlton, Richard Granville Pulsed Eddy Current CUI Simulation with Coupled Electric Circuit Analysis using Quickfield FEA
- 2019 January. Kurt A. Polzin, Amanda Cipriano, Adam K. Martin and Connie Liu Coilgun Acceleration Model Containing Multiple Interacting Coils, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Scitech 2019 Forum. Publication in PDF format. Original reference to NASA website
- 2018 December. Volodymyr T. Chemerys, Iren O. Borodiy Influence of the finite speed of the field penetration into the core on the linearity of transmission function for the pulsed transformers, International scientific and practical conference "Prospectives for the development of technical sciences in EU countries and Ukraine", Cuiavian University in Wloclawek, Wloclawek, 21 - 22 December, Republic of Poland, 2018, pp. 93 - 100
- 2018 December. Rui Oliveira-Silva, Rute A. Pereira, Fabio M. Silva, Vitor M. Gaspar, Alfonso Ibarra, Angel Millan, Filipa L. Sousa, Joao F. Manoc and Nuno J. O. Silva Temperature-responsive nanomagnetic logic gates for cellular hyperthermia, Journal Materials Horizons, Royal Society of Chemistry.
- 2018 December. Sunthrasakaran, N. & Jamail, N. & Shee Kandar, Mohd Haris Asyraf & Muhamad, N.A.. (2018). Electric Field and Current Density Characteristic of Contaminated Solid Insulator. International Journal of Integrated Engineering. 10. 120-126. 10.30880/ijie.2018.10.08.018.
- 2018 October. Dr. Nuno Joao de Oliveira e Silva, University of Aveiro, Portugal Thermal rectification in micro-sized harpoons made of polyoxometalate-hybrids presented at the 5th Micro & Nanoscale Heat Transfer and Energy Workshop (MNHTE2018), Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.
- 2018 May. Mieczysław Dziubiński, Grzegorz Litak, Artur Drozd, Kamil Szydło, Rafał Longwic, Piotr Wolszczak Using the Hall effect for monitoring the starter condition in motor vehicles. Applied Sciences 8(5):747.
- 2018 April. Gavin C. Rider, Current understanding of the electrostatic risk to reticles used in microelectronics and similar manufacturing processes, J. Micro/Nanolith. MEMS MOEMS 17(2), 020901 (2018)
- 2018 March. Walukow, Stephy & Manjang, Salama & Zainuddin, Zahir & Samman, Faizal. (2018). Design analysis of ceramic and polymer 150 kV insulators for tropical condition using QuickField software. AIP Conference Proceedings. 1941. 020048. 10.1063/1.5028106.
- 2017 December. Rosli, Hafiq & Othman, Nur & Jamail, N.A.M. & Ismail, M.N.. (2017). Potential and Electric Field Characteristics of Broken Porcelain Insulator. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering. 7. 3114-3123. 10.11591/ijece.v7i6.pp3114-3123.
- 2017 October. Ioan C. Popa, Alin-Iulian Dolan Numerical Model for a Plunger-Type AC Electromagnet. Published in 2017 International Conference on Electromechanical and Power Systems (SIELMEN).
- 2016 August. Ioan C. Popa, Alin-Iulian Dolan Numerical modeling of power cables, 19th International Symposium on Electrical Apparatus and Technologies (SIELA)
- 2016, April. Simon Dubitsky, Georgy Greshnyakov, Nikolay Korovkin Comparison of Finite Element Analysis to IEC-60287 for Predicting Underground Cable Ampacity IEEE International Energy Conference Energycon 2016, Leuven, Belgium (April 4-7, 2016).
- 2016, January. A K Martin Performance scaling of inductive pulsed plasma thrusters with coil angle and pulse rate, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 49(2)
- 2015, December. Fatin Liyana Muhamedin, M. A. M. Piah, Nordiana Azlin Othman, Modelling on Tracking Test Condition of Polymer Nanocomposite using Finite Element Simulation, TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control, Vol 13, No 4.
- 2015, December. Ioan Popa, Alin-Iulian Dolan, Florian Stefanescu and Constantin Florin Ocoleanu Analytical-Numerical Method for Design of a Single-Phase AC Inductors with Ferromagnetic Core, Annals of the University of Craiova, Electrical Engineering series, No. 39, 2015
- 2015, February. Alexander Golberg, Bote G. Bruinsma, Basak E. Uygun, Martin L. Yarmush Tissue heterogeneity in structure and conductivity contribute to cell survival during irreversible electroporation ablation by "electric field sinks" Scientific Reports 5, Article number: 8485, February 2015
- 2015, May. Alexander Golberg, Saiqa Khan, Vasily Belov, Kyle P. Quinn, Hassan Albadawi, G. Felix Broelsch, Michael T. Watkins, Irene Georgakoudi, Mikhail Papisov, Martin C. Mihm Jr., William G. Austen Jr., and Martin L. Yarmush Skin Rejuvenation with Non-Invasive Pulsed Electric Fields Scientific Reports 5, Article number: 10187, May 2015
- 2015, February. John A. Morales, Patricia Gavela, Nelson Morales, Julio C. Montesdeoca Electromagnetic fields simulation on distribution feeders, Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering Conference (EIConRusNW), 2015 IEEE NW Russia.
- 2015, February. Paul Seidel Applied Superconductivity: Handbook on Devices and Applications, Wiley-VCH; 1 edition, 1336 pages.
- 2015, January. R.Sathish, Vaddi Seshagiri Rao, N. Sundar Raman, P.Venkateshwaran Thermal And Structural Analysis Of Friction-Welded Dissimilar Materials, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER), Volume 10, Number 2 (2015), pp. 2211-2219.
- 2015, May. Aleksandrs Mesnajevs Influence Of Eccentricity On Synchronous Reactive Frequency Doubler, 29th EUROPEAN Conference on Modelling and Simulation, ECMS 2015.
- 2014, December. Constantin-Florin Ocoleanu, Ioan Popa, Alin-Iulian Dolan and Virginia Ivanov Magneto-Thermal Model for Crimped Connections, Annals of the University of Craiova, Electrical Engineering series, No. 38, 2014
- 2014, October. Ioan C. Popa, Alin-Iulian Dolan Magneto-thermal modeling of an encapsulated busbars system with common shield 2014 International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Electricity (ICATE)
- 2014, September. B. J. Le Roux, J. J. Walker Transient rating of buried cables: a comparative study 2014 International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Application (ICHVE)
- 2014, September. T. Joubert, J.J. Walker Polarization behaviour of multi-layer insulation systems in cable accessories when subjected to voltages at different frequencies 2014 International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Application (ICHVE)
- 2014, June. Baiba Ose-Zala, Vladislav Pugachov, Nikolay Levin, Start-up torques of permanent magnet synchronous generator with non-overlapping concentrated windings, Electric Power Quality and Supply Reliability Conference (PQ), 2014
- 2014, May. Ioan C. Popa, Alin-Iulian Dolan, Doina Ghindeanu, Catalin Boltasu Thermal modeling and experimental validation of an encapsulated busbars system 18th International Symposium on Electrical Apparatus and Technologies (SIELA)
- 2014, May. Ludmila Lavrinovicha, Roman Dobriyan, Oskars Onzevs Metamodels for Optimum Design of Outer-Rotor Synchronous Reluctance Motor The Journal of Riga Technical University "Electrical, Control and Communication Engineering", 2014/5.
- 2014, May. Golberg A., Broelsch G.F, Vecchio D., Khan S., Hamblin M.R, Austen W.G, Sheridan R.L, Yarmush M. Eradication of multidrug-resistant A. baumannii in burn wounds by antiseptic pulsed electric field "Technology" journal (May 2014).
- 2014, March. Ing. Jan Ruzicka Počítačová simulace, vizualizace a analýza fyzikálních polí v praxi. "Elektro" journal #3, pages 78-79, March 2014.
- 2013, December. N. A. Othman, M. A. M. Piah, Z. Adzis, H. Ahmad, N. A. Ahmad Simulation of voltage and electric-field distribution for contaminated glass insulator. 2013 IEEE Student Conference on Research and Development (SCOReD)
- 2013, December. Shakira A. Azli, Yanuar Z. Arief, Nor Asiah Muhamad, Nouruddeen Bashir The effect of electrical ageing on electrical properties of palm fatty acid ester (PFAE) and FR3 as dielectric materials. 2013 IEEE Student Conference on Research and Development (SCOReD)
- 2013, November. Likaa Fahmi Ahmed Izzat Development of Brushless Self-excited and Self-regulated Synchronous Generating System for Wind and Hydro Generators
- 2013, October. G. M’boungui, E. K. Appiah, A. A. Jimoh, T. R. Ayodele, Simple Numerical Two Dimensional Magnetostatic Analysis of a Fractional Slot Winding Brushless DC Motor, Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2013 Vol I WCECS 2013, 23-25 October, 2013, San Francisco, USA
- 2013, September. John H. Miller, Jr; Kimal I. Rajapakshe; Hans L. Infante; and James R. Claycomb Electric Field Driven Torque in ATP Synthase. PLoS One. 2013; 8(9)
- 2013, September. E. K. Appiah, A. A. Jimoh, G. M'boungui, J. L. Munda Effects of slot opening on the performance of a six phase squirrel cage induction machine using finite element and field analysis. AFRICON, 2013
- 2013, July. Ludmila Lavrinovicha, Uldis Brakanskis, Janis Dirba, Synchronous reluctance motor without rotor ferromagnetic yoke, 2013 IEEE EUROCON.
- 2013, June. Si Qin, Igor V. Timoshkin, Mark P. Wilson, Scott J. MacGregor, Martin J. Given, Michelle Maclean, John G. Anderson, Tao Wang, PPPS-2013: Pulsed electric field assisted treatment of microorganisms for lysis, 2013 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS).
- 2013, May. Susana Arad, Thermal analysis of the rotary kiln through FEA, 2nd International Conference on Applied and Computational Mathematics (ICACM '13).
- 2013, May. Ahmed M.A. Haidar, Majid Al-Dabbagh, The Influences of T-Joint Core Design on No-Load Losses in Transformers, IEEE Potentials, Volume: 32, Issue: 3, May-June 2013.
- 2013, May. Carolina Belver-Aguilar, Angeles Faus-Golfe, Michael Barnes, Jose Gomez, David Gutierrez Arribas, Fernando Toral, Design and manufacturing description of the prototype striplines for the extraction kicker of the clic damping rings, 4th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2013).
- 2013, March. Baiba Ose-Zala, Oskars Onzevs, Vladislav Pugachov Formula Synthesis of Maximal Mechanical Torque on Volume for Cylindrical Magnetic Coupler The Journal of Riga Technical University "Electrical, Control and Communication Engineering", 2013/3.
- 2013, January. Dieter Stotz Elektromagnetische Vertraglichkeit in der Praxis: Design-Analyse - Interpretation der Normen - Bewertung der Prufergebnisse. ISBN-13: 978-3642343445, hardcover, 279 pages.
- 2012, December. B. Ose-Zala, E. Jakobsons, P. Suskis The use of Magnetic Coupler instead of Lever Actuated Friction Clutch for Wind Plant, Research Journal ELEKTRONIKA IR ELEKTROTECHNIKA Vol 18, No 10 (2012) .
- 2012, December. Anubhav Agrawal, Ajay Srivastava, Ashutosh Trivedi Performance investigation of three phase synchronous reluctance motor using finite element analysis, 2012 IEEE Fifth Power India Conference.
- 2012, October. Ioan C. Popa, Alin-Iulian Dolan Static force characteristic of e-type single phase AC electromagnets, 2012 International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Electricity (ICATE).
- 2012, October. I. Sirbu, S. Diga, A. Mitroi On the electric field simulation in the electrostatic precipitators, 2012 International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Electricity (ICATE).
- 2012, July. Nils Z. Danckwardt, Pumpfreier Magnetpartikeltransport in einem Mikroreaktionssystem : Konzeption, Simulation und Machbarkeitsnachweis, KIT Scientific Publishing, 105 pages
- 2012, June. Baiba Ose-Zala, Vladislav Pugachov The comparison of active and reactive magnetic couplers, 2012 Electric Power Quality and Supply Reliability Conference (PQ).
- 2011, December. Subrt Roman, a kolektiv, Tepelne mosty, Grada Publishing a.s., Dec 6, 2011 - Technology & Engineering - 224 pages.
- 2011, September. Hanifah Jambari, Mohamed Afendi Mohamed Piah, Naziha Ahmad Azli, Simulation of Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter for liquid food sterilization with various distance of the electrodes gap 2011 IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ISIEA).
- 2011, July. Paul Calvert, QuickField for teaching.
- 2011, June. Baiba Ose, Vladislav Pugachov, Svetlana Orlova, Juris Vanags, The influence of permanent magnets' width and number on the mechanical torque of a magnetic coupler with rectangular permanent magnets, 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE)
- 2011, May. Baiba Ose, Vladislav Pugachov, Svetlana Orlova, The influence of PM's construction parameters in magnetic coupler on its mechanical torque, Proceedings of The 6th International Conference on Electrical and Control Technologies (ECT-2011), pp. 226-231/
- 2011, February. David Hakansson, Jenny Larsson Evaluation of software using the finite element method by simulating transformers and inductors.
Originally published at - 2010, December. Douglas Blackiston, Tal Shomrat, Cindy L. Nicolas, Christopher Granata, and Michael Levin, A Second-Generation Device for Automated Training and Quantitative Behavior Analyses of Molecularly-Tractable Model Organisms, PLoS One. 2010; 5(12).
- 2010, November. Haori Yang, Pulse Shape Study On Large Point Contact HPGe Detector, 2010 AIChE Annual Meeting.
- 2010, September. Sanja Banjeglav, Kresimir Malaric, Mirta Tkalec The effect of 1800 MHz electromagnetic field on oxidative stress parameters in earthworms (Eisenia fetida), 2010 International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM)
- 2010, April. James R. Claycomb, Jonathan Quoc P. Tran Introductory Biophysics: Perspectives on the Living State. ISBN-13: 9780763779986, hardcover, 364 pages.
- 2010, March. Sakshin Bunthawin, Pikul Wanichapichart, Adisorn Tuantranont, and Hans G. L. Coster, Dielectrophoretic spectra of translational velocity and critical frequency for a spheroid in traveling electric field, Biomicrofluidics. 2010 Mar; 4(1).
- 2010, March. Marija Salovarda Lozo, Kresimir Malaric Use of GTEM-cell and Wire Patch Cell in calculating thermal and non-thermal biological effects of electromagnetic fields.
- 2010, February. Santiago Sanz, Luis Garcia-Tabares, Ivan Moya, Diego Obradors, Fernando Toral, Evaluation of Magnetic Forces in Permanent Magnets, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity ( Volume: 20, Issue: 3, June 2010 )
- 2009, June. Virgil P. Secasanu, Christopher K. Giardina, and Yadong Wang, A novel electrospinning target to improve the yield of uniaxially aligned fibers Biotechnology Progress. 2009 Jul-Aug; 25(4): 1169-1175.
- 2009, April. Kenneth R. Foster, New Math article in IEEE Spectrum, April 2009 issue.
- 2009, March. R. K. Rajput, Engineering Thermodynamics: A Computer Approach. ISBN: 978-1934015148, hardcover, 400 pages.
- 2008, July. James R. Claycomb, Applied Electromagnetics Using QuickField™ & MATLAB. ISBN: 978-0763777517, hardcover, 400 pages.
- 2008, April. Marija Salovarda, Kresimir Malaric. Temperature Distribution Inside Wire Patch Cell, 14th Conference on Microwave Techniques, COMITE 2008
- 2008, March. Vijayanand Vajrala, James R. Claycomb, Hugo Sanabria, and John H. Miller, Jr. Effects of Oscillatory Electric Fields on Internal Membranes: An Analytical Model. Biophysical Journal, Volume 94 (6), 2053-2064, March 2008.
- 2007, August. Elisabeth Eitel, Virtually perfected. Motion System Design magazine, August 2007.
- 2007, July. Richard Wiese, Modeling Coax Cable EMI Shielding Performance for Automotive AM Broadcast Band Applications. IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 2007. EMC 2007.
- 2007, July. S. W. Anwane, Fundamentals of Electromagnetic Fields. ISBN: 978-1934015001, hardcover, 415 pages.
- 2007, June. D. Nawarathna, J.R. Claycomb, G. Cardenas, V. Vajrala, D. Warmflash, J. Gardner, W. Widger and J.H. Miller, Jr. SQUID-Based Biosensor for Probing Ion Transporters in Cell Suspensions and Tissue. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, Volume 17, Issue 2, Part 1, Pages 812-815, June 2007.
- 2007, April. T. Sadauskas, A. Smilgevicius, Z. Savickiene, Distribution of Magnetic Field of Linear Induction Motor. "Electronics and Electrical Engineering" journal #4 (76), pages 63-66, April 2007.
- 2006, November. Sarah Powell, Finite element modelling of magnetostatics for magnetron sputter sources. "CAD for Electromagnetic Devices", one-day seminar, 2 November 2006, Rolls Royce plc.
- 2006, October. Kenneth Libbrecht, Modeling Diffusion-Limited Crystal Growth from Vapor using a Commercial Finite-Element Analysis Code. arXiv:cond-mat/0610584 (Materials Science).
- 2006, May. Milan Krasl, Bohus Ulrych, Linear Motor for Drive of Belt Conveyor, 6th International Conference ELEKTRO 2006, University of Zilina, Slovakia
- 2006, May. Dr. R. Bargallo, Finite Elements for Electrical Engineering, EUETIB-UPC, 2006.
- 2005, November. Adam Martin and Richard Eskridge, Electrical coupling efficiency of inductive plasma accelerators. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Issue 23, November 2005.
- 2005, June. Mikhail Khanin, How software assists designing motors and generators. Machine Design magazine, June 2005.
- 2005, May. M. F. Ktata, H. Grabinski, G. Gaus, H. Fischer, Influence of the Ground Line Position on the Frequency Dependency of Line Parameters in the Presence of a Conducting Substrate. IEEE Transactions on Advanced Packaging. Volume 28, Issue 2, Pages 152- 159, May 2005.
- 2004, December. James R. Claycomb, Impedance magnetocardiography: Experiments and modeling. Journal of Applied Physics, 96, 7650, December 2004.
- 2004, December. H. Kelly, B. Mancinelli, L. Prevosto, F.O. Minotti, and A. M.arquez Experimental Characterization of a Low-Current Cutting Torch. Brazilian Journal of Physics, vol. 34, no. 4B, December 2004.
- 2004, August. K. L. Kovalev, L. K. Kovalev, K. V. Ilushin, S. A. Larionov, V. N. Poltavets; W. Gawalek, Experimental and theoretical study of electrical machines with bulk HTS elements. The 4th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, 2004. IPEMC 2004.
- 2004, June. Mirjana T. Peric, Dielectric Body with Arbitrary Shaped and Positioned Cavity in Homogeneous Transversal Electric Field. Serbian journal of electrical engineering, Vol. 1, No. 2, 175 - 186, June 2004.
- 2004, May. R. F. Welton, M. P. Stockli, R. T. Roseberry, and Y. Kang, The design of high power, external antennas for radio frequency multicusp ion sources. Review of Scientific Instruments, Volume 75, Issue 5, Proceedings of the 10th international conference on ion sources, Negative Ion Sources. Pages 1789-1792. May 2004.
- 2004, May. M. F. Ktata, H. Grabinski, U. Arz, H. Fischer, Crosstalk in Product Related Bus Systems Using 110 nm CMOS Technology. 8th IEEE Workshop on Signal Propagation on Interconnects, 2004. Proceedings, Pages 85-88, May 2004.
- 2004, February. Liming Ying, Samuel S. White, Andreas Bruckbauer, Lisa Meadows, Yuri E. Korchev, and David Klenerman Frequency and Voltage Dependence of the Dielectrophoretic Trapping of Short Lengths of DNA and dCTP in a Nanopipette. Biophys Journal, 2004 Feb; 86(2): 1018-1027.
- 2003, November. T. M. Dillon, J. A. Barth, A. Y. Erofeev, G. H. May, and H. W. Wijesekera MicroSoar: A New Instrument for Measuring Microscale Turbulence from Rapidly Moving Submerged Platforms
- 2003, October. M. F. Ktata, H. Grabinski, G. Gaus, H. Fischer, When are Substrate Effects Important for on-chip Interconnects?. Electrical Performance of Electronic Packaging, 2003. Proceedings, Pages 265-268, October 2003.
- 2003, July. Kenneth R. Foster, Mightier Math Reloaded article in IEEE Spectrum, Volume 40, Issue 7, Pages 40-41, July 2003.
- 2003, June. Daniel G. Swanson Jr., Wolfgang J. R. Hoefer Microwave Circuit Modeling Using Electromagnetic Field Simulation. ISBN: 978-1580533089, Hardcover, 474 pages.
- 2003, February. Evgeni K. Volpov. Local Over-Heat Model in SF6 GIS.
- 2002, October. Chris Grabowski, James H. Degnan, Senior Member, IEEE, T. Cavazos, Donald G. Gale, C. Gilman, W. Sommars, Tom P. Intrator, J. Martin Taccetti, B. Waganaar, R. E. Siemon, and Glen A. Wurden, Senior Member, IEEE Development of a High-Current Low-Inductance Crowbar Switch for FRX-L. IEEE Transactions on plasma science, vol. 30, #5, October 2002.
- 2002, August. M. Skopek, B. Ulrych, I. Dolezel Optimized regime of induction heating of a disk before its pressing on shaft, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics ( Volume: 37, Issue: 5, Sep 2001 )
- 2001, December. Daniel G. Swanson, Jr. What's My Impedance? article in IEEE Microwave Magazine. Volume 2, Issue 4, Pages 72-82, December 2001.
- 2001, May. J. Kanatharana, J.J. Pérez-Camacho, T. Buckley, P.J. McNally, T. Tuomi, A.N. Danilewsky, M. O’Hare, D. Lowney and W. Chen, Investigation of Mechanical Stresses in Underlying Silicon due to Lead-Tin Solder Bumps via Synchrotron X-Ray Topography and Finite Element Analysis. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings Series, Volume 682E.
- 2000, October. R. Ivanic, M. Weis, T. Danilla, V. Tvarozek Thin film interdigitated electrode arrays applicable for non-invasive monitoring of human skin. The Third International EuroConference on Advanced Semiconductor Devices and Microsystems, 2000. Pages 319-322.
- 1999, December. Kenneth R. Foster, Quick and easy field analysis article in IEEE Spectrum, Volume 36, Number 12.
- 1999, February. Jindrich Rybar, Bohus Ulrych, Frantisek Zizek, Optimum arrangement of rotor conductors of asynchronous generators for pumped storage hydro-plants from viewpoint of their additional losses, Acta Technica CSAV journal, Issue 2, Pages 101-113, 1999
- 1996, September. Kenneth H. Carpenter, Magnetostatic simulations for design of superconducting magnetic shields. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, Volume 6, Issue 3, Pages 142-146, September 1996.