Simulation software for
heat transfer and
stress analysis

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QuickField is a very efficient Finite Element Analysis package for electromagnetic, thermal, and stress design simulation with coupled multi-field analysis. It combines a family of analysis modules using the latest solver technology with a very user-friendly model editor (preprocessor) and a powerful postprocessor.

QuickField requires no training - you may start using it as soon as it is installed on your computer, without knowing the mathematical algorithms used and details of their implementation.

QuickField is a native Windows® application, which was designed for this platform only. It fully utilizes the advantages of a modern operational environment. It is very compact, yet powerful, and can be used for many design applications which require Magnetic , Electric or Thermostructural analysis

Magnetic analysis
Magnetic analysis
Electric analysis
Electric analysis
Thermal and stress analysis
Thermal and stress analysis

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Simulation examples

QuickField can be effectively applied to many engineering tasks. Most often, it is used in the design of electric motors, turbine generators, actuators, speakers, transformers, induction heating systems, transmission lines and other complex electrical and electromechanical devices.

The application of QuickField is not restricted to this list. If you are unsure as to how to apply QuickField to your problem - contact us, and we will be glad to help you.

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QuickField customer base is very diverse. Some of our customers are listed here:


General Electric Company (USA)
Siemens AG (Germany)
Maersk Container (Denmark)
Schneider Electric (Italy)
Baldor Electric Company (USA)
Ericsson Cables AB (Sweden)


Technical University of Liberec (Czech Republic)
Aalborg University (Denmark)
University of Tel-Aviv (Israel)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA)
Stanford University (USA)
Cornwall College (UK)

Research centers

Department of National Defense (Canada)
Max-Planck-Inst. f. Plasmaphysik (Germany)
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, JPL (USA)
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA)
Los Alamos National Lab (USA)
TNO Institute (Netherlands)

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