


Version history




QuickField object model

QuickField command line

Parametric object interface

Parametric command line

Programming environments



Programming with QuickField

QuickField is known as one of the most effective and user-friendly FEA codes. But it is also a very efficient platform for developing the custom engineering applications, utilizing QuickField FEA engine. These applications can be written in almost any modern program language, such as Visual Basic, Visual C, VBA (Visual Basic for Applications is a part of Microsoft Office), scripting technology like Python or higher level simulation systems like MATLAB - and the algorithms implemented there may create or modify QuickField FEA models and use their simulation results.

There are two main ways of arranging the interaction between QuickField core and other programs: low level QuickField Object Model (called ActiveField), and high-level Parametric interface (using the LabelMover utility). Object model and parametric interfaces together provide complete set of functionality, allowing QuickField users to:

Software developers, interested to create QuickField API based application, may qualify for free QuickField license for up to 1 year. Please contact us for more details.