Cable termination to oil filled bushing
QuickField simulation example
Stress cone with deflector is used to reduce the electric field stress in the cable termination.
Problem Type
Axisymmetric problem of AC conduction.
Voltage U = 64 kV (r.m.s.), frequency f = 50 Hz.
Relative permittivity of media: oil 12, insulator 2.3, stress cone 22, deflector 2.5.
Deflector electrical conductivity 0.0002 S/m.
Calculate electric field stress distribution.
Semiconductors are modeled as materials featuring both electric permittivity and conductivity, though small.
In QuickField we should specify the magnitude of the time-harmonic voltage that is room mean square value times square root of two: 64000*sqrt(2).
Simon Dubitsky, George Greshnyakov, Nikolay Korovkin Optimization of Capacitive and Resistive Field Grading Devices for Cable Joint and Termination. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENERGY. volume 9. 24-30.
- Video: Cable termination to oil filled bushing. Watch on YouTube
- Download simulation files (files may be viewed using any QuickField Edition).