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Conductive cylinder in rotating magnetic field

QuickField simulation example

Problem Type
Plane-parallel problem of transient magnetics.

Conductive cylinder in rotating magnetic field To specify rotating magnetic field on the outer boundary of the region we apply the Dirichlet boundary condition Air R50 R40 Copper cylinder Outer boundary

Copper conductivity σ = 63 MS/m;
Magnitude of external field B0 = 1 T;
Number of poles 2p = 6;
Frequency f = 50 Hz.

To specify rotating magnetic field on the outer boundary of the region, Bn = B0 cos(pφ + ωt), we apply the Dirichlet boundary condition, using the formula:
A = (1/60) * cos(3*phi + 360*50*t).

The coefficient A0 = 1/60 arises from consideration
B = rot A
Bn = (1/R)(∂A/∂φ) =
= (1/R)*A0p·sin(ωt - pφ)
thus A0 = B0·R/p = 1 * 0.05 / 3 = 1/60

Due to periodicity of the problem, only half of the model is presented, and odd periodic boundary condition A1 = -A2 is applied on the cut. In fact, it would be enough to simulate just 60° sector of the model. In time domain, problem is simulated with automatic adaptive time step.

Rotor eddy currents changing in time:
Conductive cylinder in rotating magnetic field simulation