Oliver Colin

Olivier Colin

Mr. Olivier Colin is experienced QuickField user, also acting as a Tera Analysis Ltd. dealer in France.
After receiving his Masters degree as an electro-mechanical engineer from ESME-Sudria, Paris in 1983, he worked as project manager 4 years for Giat Industries (now Nexter) in advanced systems, 3 years for Creusot-Loire Industries as CAD manager (Saber, Cadat and Cadd's on Sun workstation) in Leclerc battle tank environment. He also has 7 years of experience as a project manager in automotive industry by Sagem Automotive (engine control actuators and sensors).

In 1997 Mr. Colin has established independent company Ocsimize, and since then specializes in the power simulation design projects using QuickField and Saber. As a specialist in Mast language he has developed Saber models for automotive and aeronautical industry, mainly for Airbus A380 and A400M, in electronic, electrotechnic and hydraulic fields. He is also heavily involved in the technical support and consultancies for QuickField customers in France.