
A new approach to field modelling

Main >> Applications >> Sample problems >> DIP socket capacitance

DIP socket capacitance

QuickField simulation example

Problem Type electrostatics.

Geometry 3D Import
All dimensions are in millimeters
DIP socket 16 pins

Relative permittivity of dielectric ε = 3;

Calculate the capacitance between two adjacent pins #1 and #2.

To calculate the capacitance we assign electric potentials +0.5 V to the pin #1 and -0.5 V to the pin #2. QuickField calculates electric field energy W in the entire space.
Capacitance is then calculated as:
C = 2*W / (V+ - V-)²

Electric field energy W = 1.4e-13 J.
Pin #1 to pin #2 capacitance
C = 2*1.43e-13 / 1² = 2.8e-13 F (0.28 pF).

Electric field stress distribution between two energized pins:
Electric field stress distribution between two energized pins