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Electronic device radiator

QuickField simulation example

The semiconductor device attached to a sapphire substrate installed on a copper header. The thermal resistance of interest is the resistance from the semiconductor device to the ambient.

Problem Type
Plane-parallel problem of transient heat transfer.

The Rca block represents the known thermal resistance from the header to the ambient.
Model z-length is 4 mm.
Electronic device radiator The semiconductor device attached to a sapphire substrate installed on a copper header. Heat load Sapphire Copper Rca 4 mm 0.13 mm 1.25 mm

Thermal load of semiconductor device 60 W/mm².
Heat conductivity of blocks: sapphire 28 J/K-m, copper 394 J/K-m, Rca 1 J/K-m.
Mass density of blocks: sapphire 3985 kg/m³, copper 8950 kg/m³.
Specific heat of blocks: sapphire 3985 J/Kg·K, copper 8950 J/Kg·K.

The transient thermal resistance is calculated as the instantaneous temperature increase divided by the heat flux. A normalized curve can be obtained by dividing the instantaneous temperature by the final temperature.

The shape of the graph can be qualitatively explained by the presence of two very different thermal time constants in the system. The first time constant corresponds to sapphire substrate (it works up to 0.005 sec.). The second time constant corresponds to copper header. The second time constant will be better visible if the simulation time is extended above 2 sec., so two simulations are necessary to visualize the system behavior.

Electronic device radiator temperature after 2 seconds:
Electronic device radiator temperature