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ISO 10077-2:2012 Test case D.9 - PVC shutter profile

QuickField simulation example

QuickField simulation of the test case "D.9. PVC shutter profile" presented in ISO 10077-2:2012*

Problem Type
Plane-parallel problem of heat transfer.

ISO 10077-2:2012 Test case D.9 - PVC shutter profile Calculate two-dimensional thermal conductance T = +20°C, Rs = 0.13 m²K/W T = 0°C, Rs = 0.04 m²K/W Air PVC 12x5 mm 1 mm 1 mm Zero thermal flux Zero thermal flux

Total width b = 57 mm

Thermal conductivity of PVC, λ1 = 0.17 W/K-m.
Thermal conductivity of the gas filling, λ2 = 0.034 W/K-m.

Calculate the two-dimensional thermal conductance L2D of the frame in accordance with ISO 10077-2:2012*.
(Reference thermal conductance L2D = 0.207 W/(m*K) )

Boundary conditions on the upper and bottom frame surfaces are thermal convection. The convection coefficient value is reciprocal to the surface resistance value Rs provided in the test case description:
α20 = 1/0.13 W/(K·m²),
α0 = 1/0.04 W/(K·m²).

Thermal conductivities of air gaps are adjusted to include the convection and radiation heat transfers in real situation, and correlated with the actual temperatures on the gap contours according to the recommendation of ISO 10077-2:2012. Equivalent air gap conductivity calculations are automated in the accompanying Excel spreadsheet.

Heat flux distribution in the PVC shutter profile is shown below:
EN ISO 10077:2012 D9 heat flux

Two-dimensional thermal conductance L2D = Heat flux per meter depth / Temperature difference = 4.139 / 20 = 0.207 W/(m*K).
Difference between the calculated and reference values is less than 3%. This simulation accuracy complies with the requirements of ISO 10077-2:2012.

* ISO 10077-2:2012 Thermal performance of windows, doors and shutters -- Calculation of thermal transmittance -- Part 2: Numerical method for frames.