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Nonlinear permanent magnet

QuickField simulation example

A simulation of permanent magnet and a steel keeper in the air, performed with QuickField software.

Problem Type
Plane-parallel problem of DC magnetics.

Nonlinear permanent magnet A simulation of permanent magnet and a steel keeper in the air, performed with QuickField software. Steel Steel ALNICO A B C D E F G H I J K L M N 10 cm 20 cm 40 cm 10 cm 20 cm 10 cm 10 cm

The permanent magnets are made of ALNICO, coercive force is 147218 A/m. The polarizations of the magnets are along vertical axis opposite to each other.

Find maximum flux density in Y-direction.

To avoid the influence of the boundaries while modelling the unbounded problem, we'll enclose the magnet in a rectangular region of air and specify zero Dirichlet boundary condition on its sides.

Flux density in nonlinear permanent magnet:
Flux density in nonlinear permanent magnet

Maximum flux density in Y-direction
  By, T
ANSYS 0.42
QuickField 0.44