Magnetic field of a magnetron sputtering system
QuickField simulation example
The magnetic field of a magnetron should be properly configured to confine electrons close to the target. We calculate the magnetic field distribution and detect the magnetic field unbalance* in this example.
Problem Type
Plane-parallel problem of DC magnetics.
Permanent magnets are made of NdFeB N42, coercive force is 860 kA/m, relative permeability is 1.2.
Core relative permeability is 1000.
Calculate the magnetic field distribution and measure the magnetic field unbalance.
We use the unbalance coefficient proposed by Gencoa Ltd*. The coefficient is calculated as g = ZBz=0 / W½, where ZBz=0 is the distance from target to the point, where magnetic flux z-component is zero, and W½ is the target radius.
ZBz=0 = 12.6 mm. Unbalance coefficient g = 12.6 / 14 = 0.9.
Flux density distribution along the target surface.
* R. Brown, V. Bellido-Gonzalez. Comparison of balanced and unbalanced array designs., Thin film and PV solution, 2013.
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