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Microstrip differential impedance

QuickField simulation example

This is an example of the microstrip line simulation, performed with QuickField software.

Problem Type
Plane-parallel problem of electrostatics and AC magnetics.

Microstrip line capacitance To calculate the differential impedance we should find the differential capacitance and the differential inductance Dielectric (ε=4.3) + - 200 μm 200 μm 130 420 μm 35

Relative permittivity of air ε = 1;
Relative permittivity of dielectric ε = 4.3.
Frequency f = 500 MHz.
Line length Lz = 5 inches

Determine the differential impedance of the microstrip transmission line.

To calculate the differential impedance we should find the differential capacitance Cdiff and the differential inductance Ldiff.
Capacitance is calculated in the electric problem. Positive potential is assigned to the left trace, negative potential is assigned to the right trace, zero potential is assigned to the ground plane. QuickField calculates the total stored electric field energy.
Cdiff = 2*Energy / ( Potential difference )²

Inductance is calculated in the AC magnetic problem. In the left trace AC current flows in one direction. The return current flows in the right trace. Total current in ground plane is zero. QuickField calculates the total stored magnetic field energy.
Ldiff = 2*Energy / |Current|²

Cdiff = 2*1.19e-11 / 2² = 6.0 pF (per 5" of line length)
Ldiff = 2*4.15e-20 / (1e-6)² = 83 nH (per 5" of line length)
Impedance Zdiff = √Ldiff/Cdiff = 118 Ohm.

Voltage distribution in the microstrip line.
microstrip line differential capacitance

Current density distribution in the microstrip line.
microstrip line differential inductance