
A new approach to field modelling

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PCB microstrip resistive losses

QuickField simulation example

This is an example of the microstrip line simulation, performed with QuickField software.

Problem Type
Plane-parallel problem of AC magnetics.

PCB microstrip resistive losses This is an example of the microstrip line AC magnetic simulation, performed with QuickField software. Dielectric Copper

Copper electric conductivity g = 56 MS/m.
Current I = 1 uA.
AC frequency f = 100 MHz.
Line length Lz = 1 inch.

Determine resistive losses in the trace and AC resistance.

In the trace AC current flows in one direction. The return current flows in the ground plane. QuickField calculates potential drop, current density distribution and Joule losses.
Trace AC resistance R ~ = Losses / I ².

Joule heat losses in the trace 1.77e-13 W (per 1 inch).
Trace AC resistance R~ = 1.77e-13 / (1e-6)² = 0.177 Ohm (per 1 inch).
Current density distribution in the microstrip trace and ground plane
Microstrip resistive losses