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Relay dynamics simulation using PHP and QuickField Object Model

QuickField simulation example

The electromagnetic and spring forces act on the plunger. Both forces depend on the plunger position. Calculate plunger motion function.

To combine the electromagnetic field analysis with the moving core dynamics both PHP and QuickField are used. Interaction between QuickField and PHP is performed using ActiveField application programming interface.

Problem Type
Axisymmetric problem of DC magnetics.

Relay dynamics simulation The electromagnetic and spring forces act on the plunger. Both forces depend on the plunger position Coil Plunger Spring 20 mm x Ø 7.2 mm

Current I = 400 Ampere*turns;
Plunger pull-out position xmax = 10 mm.
Plunger pull in position xmin = 6 mm.
Plunger weight m = 4.5 g;
Spring constant k = 4 N/m
Spring free position = 15 mm.

The electromagnetic and spring forces act on the plunger. Both forces depend on the plunger position. Calculate plunger motion function.

The multi-turn winding is replaced with the equivalent total current.

The motion function can be found from second-order differential equation
m · d²x/dt² = f(x),
where m - is a plunger weight (kg),
x - is a plunger position (m)
f(x) - is the force acting on the plunger (N).
The force acting on the plunger is a sum of spring force fspring(x) = k·( - x) and electromagnetic force.

The equations are solved in PHP. The dynamic link through COM is used to invoke QuickField and calculate the electromagnetic force at each step.

The calculations are stopped when x=xmin (pull in position, plunger hits damper).
PHP to QuickField link The equations are solved in PHP. The dynamic link through COM is used to invoke QuickField and calculate the electromagnetic force at each step PHP QuickField Initial conditions x0 = xmax, v0 = 0 m/s Invoke QuickField to calculate Force(xi) vi+1 = vi + Force/mass*Δt xi+1 = xi + vi+1* Δt x>xmin ? true false EXIT

  • View PHP file in the separate window: relay_control_script_win.php.

    The plunger hits initial position at 0.075 s.
    Plunger position in meters vs time in seconds.