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Slot of electric machine

QuickField simulation example

In this tutorial we will analyze the skin effect occurring at the industrial frequency 50 Hz. The resistance of the conductor carrying 500 A sinusoidal current in the slot of the electric machine will be calculated.

Problem Type
Plane-parallel problem of AC magnetics.

Slot of electric machine In this tutorial we will analyze the skin effect occurring at the industrial frequency 50 Hz. The resistance of the conductor carrying 500 A sinusoidal current in the slot of the electric machine will be calculated. Copper bar Stator Air 6 mm 3 mm 20 mm

Conductivity of copper σ = 58 MS/m;
Current I = 500 A, frequency f = 50 Hz.

Calculate the current density distribution and the resistance.

Relative permeability of steel is much higher than that of air and copper. On stator surface Ht=0 boundary condition is specified.

Resistance is 0.296 mOhm per 1 meter of the conductor length.
slot of an electric machine