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Steel tank

QuickField simulation example

The steel tank contains hot water. Determine the wall temperature and heat losses.

Problem Type
Plane-parallel problem of heat transfer.

Steel tank The steel tank contains hot water. Determine the wall temperature and heat losses.. Tank wall Water,   t° = +95°C Air t° = +15°C 12 mm

Hot water temperature t°=95°C;
Water-to-wall convection coefficient α = 2850 W/m²°C;
Cooling air temperature 15°C;
Wall-to-air convection coefficient α = 10 W/m²°C;
Wall thermal conductivity λ = 50 W/m·K.

Calculate the average heat flux density passing through the tank wall and the wall air-side temperature.

To solve the problem it is enough to simulate a small piece of the tank wall. Heat losses (heat flux density) are calculated as a heat flux value divided by the wall surface area value.

Heat flux through the wall is 795 W per 1 meter square, average surface temperature is 94.5°C.
steel tank wall heat flux and temperature

  QuickField Theory* Error
Wall outside temperature 94.53°C 94.52°C 0.011%
Flux density, W/m² 795.3 795.2 0.013%

*Rajput R.K.(2010). Engineering Thermodynamics, Third Edition. Sudbury, MA:Jones and Bartlett Publishers. Page 805.