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Perforated plate

QuickField simulation example

A thin rectangular sheet with a central hole subject to tensile loading.

Problem Type
Plane-parallel problem of stress analysis.

Perforated plate A thin rectangular sheet with a central hole subject to tensile loading. Model Loading 40 N/mm² 180 mm 5 mm 240 mm R 30mm

Length: 240 mm;
Width: 180 mm;
Radius of central opening: 30 mm;
Thickness: 5 mm.

Young's modulus E = 207000 N/mm²
Poisson's ratio ν = 0.3.
The uniform tensile loading (40 N/mm²) is applied to the bottom edge of the structure.

Determine the concentration factor due to presence of the central opening.

Due to mirror symmetry one quarter of the structure is presented, and internal boundaries are restrained in X and Y directions respectively.
The concentration factor may be obtained from the loading stress (40 N/mm²) and the maximum computed stress (146 N/mm²) as k = 146 / 40 = 3.65.
stress distribution in the perforated plate