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Eddy currents*

Eddy currents

Eddy currents (sometimes called "eddie currents", or "eddies") are electric currents in the conductors, caused by the changing magnetic field. Changing magnetic field may be caused by relative movement of the magnetic field source and conductor, where the eddies are induced. Also, eddy currents may be caused by the time varying source of the magnetic field. These currents flow in small circles, like swirls, or eddies.

Eddy currents in the armature of electric motors, or core of transformers, cause Joule heating, which lead to losses of energy and overheating. Special measures are usually taken to decrease them. One of most common methods of eliminating eddy currents is use of laminations.

Simulation of the eddy currents, caused by time-harmonic magnetic field (usually generated by AC source currents) may be performed using AC Magnetic analysis module of QuickField. If the magnetic field has more than one harmonic component, or caused by more complicated non-sinusoidal currents – when to analyze eddy current effects, it is necessary to perform the full scale Transient Electromagnetic simulation.